A motorbike, mud, and mom

Created by Roy 13 years ago
When I was in High School my grandparents gave me a Honda SL70, it was a little dirt bike that I rode all over the place. I was riding through the woods one day and I came up to a small pond with a tree trunk dropped across it for a bridge. Thinking I could make it I started to cross and ended up falling. Motorcycle and all went right into the pond. I tried to get my bike out but the mud at the bottom made it impossible. So I left it there and started walking home, thinking about how much trouble I was going to be in all the way. When I got home and told mom what had happened she just said "Well, we better go get it." She drove us as close as the car could get, then walked with me the rest of the way. When we got to the pond she stopped for a second, just looking at the one handle bar sticking out of the water, then waded right in. Even with the two of us we still had a heck of time, but we did manage to pull it out. Of course we were soaking wet and both covered in mud, but we had gotten it out together. When we were standing at the edge of the pond I felt sure mom was about to let me have it. She just looked at me and laughed and said "I bet you don't try that again."